
Welcome to my Blog. I live here in Scotland and would like to share my interests and also those of my family and friends.

I'm a father of two fantastic children, married to my beautiful wife April and we live in Dundee, Scotland.

I'm a Roman Catholic and try to practice my faith in my daily life.

My main interests are, reading, watching TV, technology, basketball and Airsoft.

You can also find me at
and also now at Google Plus

This site was created on March 1st, 2011. Older postings can be found at the Walker Family Website

Monday 18 July 2011

Orkney - July 13th, 2011

During our trip to Kiltarlity we took a wee trip up to Orkney.

We got the bus from Inverness up to John O' Groats, got the 40 minute ferry across to Burwick on South Ronaldsay and had a bus tour (with http://www.jogferry.co.uk/of 4 of some of the main sites on the Orkney Islands.

The Orkneys are made up of approximately 70 islands. 

The highlights were Kirkwall, Scapa Flow, Skara Brae, Skaill House, The Ring of Brodgar and The Italian Chapel.  The sun came out to greet us and it made for a fantastic day!!

If you would rather see the online photo album click here.

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