
Welcome to my Blog. I live here in Scotland and would like to share my interests and also those of my family and friends.

I'm a father of two fantastic children, married to my beautiful wife April and we live in Dundee, Scotland.

I'm a Roman Catholic and try to practice my faith in my daily life.

My main interests are, reading, watching TV, technology, basketball and Airsoft.

You can also find me at
and also now at Google Plus

This site was created on March 1st, 2011. Older postings can be found at the Walker Family Website

Sunday 19 June 2011

Ross with his new MP9 Airsoft Gun

Ross treated himself to a gas-blowback MP9 Airsoft Gun today.  it fires off a full mag of 50 pellets in around 2.5 seconds!!

Saturday 18 June 2011

Sunday 12 June 2011

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (Millennium, #1)The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson

Just finished reading The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. Awesome book - would definitely recommend it.
Going to jump straight into book two in the Millenium Trilogy now - The Girl Who Played With Fire

View all my reviews

Thursday 9 June 2011

St. Paul's School Concert - 8th June, 2011

Ross and Heather appeared in the school concert.  Ross playing in the guitar group and heather in the strings group.
Very proud of them both in what turned out to be a great night.

Heather becomes a teenager - 28th May, 2011