
Welcome to my Blog. I live here in Scotland and would like to share my interests and also those of my family and friends.

I'm a father of two fantastic children, married to my beautiful wife April and we live in Dundee, Scotland.

I'm a Roman Catholic and try to practice my faith in my daily life.

My main interests are, reading, watching TV, technology, basketball and Airsoft.

You can also find me at
and also now at Google Plus

This site was created on March 1st, 2011. Older postings can be found at the Walker Family Website

Sunday 24 April 2011


Great Easter Sunday. After mass family and friends came over to our house and we had a mega barbecue. Later on as it got cooler we got the chimenea out and had some drinks.

Simple Minds East at Easter

Saturday 23 April 2011

Easter Vigil

We just got back from Easter vigil mass and the kids are enjoying their 1st chocolate and me my 1st glass of wine in 6 weeks. Cheers!!!

Heather and her new bass guitar

Heather got her new bass guitar today as an early birthday present

Friday 22 April 2011

New Phone

This is my first blog from my new mobile phone, the Samsung Galaxy S.
Been waiting for ages for my contract to run out so I could update my phone from my old Nokia E63 running Symbian. This new phone is running Android and its ace!!
Had the phone a couple of days now and have went a bit App crazy and am in tech heaven. One small complaint with the phone so far is the battery which seems to run out way too quickly but that could be because I'm downloading so much and trying out all the new Apps.

Saturday 16 April 2011

Fallen Multi's

Remnants of Menziehill Multi's. Photo taken from behind Menziehill Community Centre (15th April, 2011)

Tuesday 12 April 2011

Thursday 7 April 2011

1911 Census of Scotland Online | History Today

1911 Census of Scotland Online | History Today

Data was collected for over 4.7 million Scots. Mechanical tabulation was also used for the first time in the form of Hollerith machines, which incorporated a punch card system. More information could thus be collected and the census asked additional questions about the occupation of the head of the household, for example, their marital status, the duration of their marriage and about the children living in the household. The statistics were reported in record time, in five volumes published between 1911 and 1913.

According to the 1911 Census, the Scottish population was 4,759,445. The number of males was 2,307,603; the number of females was 2,451,842. The Scottish population was growing quickly at the time in part due to better health care and the resulting improvements in child mortality rates and to immigration. Since the previous census in 1901, the total population had increased by six per cent. The population had tripled since the first census, in 1801, which recorded a population of 1,608,420.